“And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8

Upcoming Events
officers & staff
Located at peoria and 34th st for over 75 years, southminster is grateful to be the heart of brookside.
Welcome to Southminster Presbyterian Church and The Heart of Brookside! Whether you are new to community or a life long member, there is a home for you for worship and service at Southminster. Join us for worship on Sunday, study throughout the week, or simply stop by the building to say “hello”. We are a church that strives to be The Heart of Brookside. We would love to be that with you.
Conveniently located in the heart of Brookside, Southminster Presbyterian Church can be accessed from Peoria Avenue at East 35th Place.
Parking is available to the east and south of the building.
11:00 a.m.
3500 S. Peoria Ave
Tulsa, OK. 74105
Serve the Community
Southminster is a church that prides itself on its commitment to service in the community. We volunteer locally at non-profits like Emergency Infant Services, the Day Center for the Homeless, and South Tulsa Community House. We support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and their work around the country and globe. We are part of the Malawi Mission Partnership. Whether the need is Brookside or half way across the world, we are there to serve. Serve with us.
Get Involved
We are followers of a Jesus that is always active. He travels. He heals. He teaches. He serves. He preaches. He lives and dies. We believe in an active God.
Our faith leads us to lives of action, as well. Southminster is always busy learning, serving, worshipping, and more. How would you like to get involved?
Sunday Morning, 11 AM
You’re invited to join us in the Sanctuary at 11 am, or on Facebook where we livestream our services. Currently we are masking in the building during services and activities. The Health Task Force will reevaluate and make recommendations for our community as we seek to love our neighbors!
Feed My Sheep Bags
Available outside the entrances to the Sanctuary, this is one of the incredible ways our community supports a variety of needs all around Tulsa.
Follow Us On Facebook
Also, please join Southminster’s pastor Reverend Olivia Lane each Sunday at 11 a.m. on Facebook for a live message. You may access all of the weekly messages at any time on Southminster’s Facebook page.
Prayers & Outreach
If you are in need of prayer, please contact Southminster with your needs and prayer requests at 918.743.4427.
Pastor Lane may be reached by calling the church office at 918.743.4427 or by emailing pastor@southminstertulsa.org.
As we face all navigate the uncertainty of our world, please know that God loves you, and your Southminster family cares for you.