Matthew 25 In Action - Voter Registration Drive

This is a transcript of our ‘Moment for Mission’ from July 16th, 2023 from member Elaine Elsloo Dodd.

Good Morning Matthew 25 Congregation,

I was hungry and you gave me food.

I voted in Mayoral and City Council elections for elected officials who will pass ordinances that will decrease the number of hungry in our community.

I was thirsty and you gave me drink.

I voted in Oklahoma State and Federal elections that will protect us with clean water legislation.

I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

I voted in US House/Senate elections and Presidential elections for candidates who would enact fair immigration policies.

I was naked and you gave me clothing.

I voted in school board elections for policies that would provide children clothing from schools so that children would not be bullied and could have the opportunity to learn.

I was sick and you took care of me.

I voted in OK House and Senate elections and Gubernatorial elections for persons who would enact access to quality healthcare in our state.

I was in prison and you welcomed me.

I voted in judicial elections for judges who would be honest, impartial, and fair in sentencing the guilty and releasing the innocent.

I voted because I was a registered voter.

We will assist you in providing voter registration forms to update your voter registration (change of name, address, party) or to register voters who are not currently registered. We challenge all of us to register at least 1 new voter. Pastor Olivia has already met the challenge.

What does the Lord require of us: to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.